Team members can configure their own notification settings, although only those with Admin roles can set up both email and Slack notifications. Team members with Viewer and Editor roles can only set up email notifications.
To specify notification settings, click your account name at the top-right corner of the screen to go to the General tab.
Under Email notification settings, toggle the buttons to turn notifications about discovered issues (i.e., Issues notifications) and initial scanning reports (i.e., Initial scanning notifications) on or off.
Team members can also limit notifications based on the severity ratings of issues by clicking the rating of their choice. This option allows them to receive notifications about issues with a severity rating equal to or higher than the selected severity.
For example, setting the Minimum severity to notify to Medium means you will receive issues with Medium, High, and Critical severity ratings.
Users with an Admin role can configure their Slack notification settings to get notified about detected issues through Slack. Click Configure, which will take you to the Slack Workspace Login page.
They can also set a different Minimum severity to notify for Slack notifications.