What Changes When Switching From a Free Trial

After a free trial ends, users can still access their accounts and previously collected information, but Attaxion won't be running any new scans and some widgets will become empty.

Attaxion offers a 30-day free trial. During the free trial, Attaxion provides the users with full functionality, including pro-active scanning and reconnaissance.

What Happens When a Free Trial Ends 

Once a free trial ends, the users can still access the account they’ve created with Attaxion. They will see a banner on top of the user’s interface telling them their trial is over and suggesting to upgrade.

However, Attaxion stops running any scans or discovering assets, and dashboard components that show how things develop over time become empty. 

Logs and the list of discovered assets together with their vulnerabilities remain accessible. Notifications will stop working.

What Happens After Switching From a Free Trial to a Paid Plan

Once the user decides to become a customer, Attaxion resumes running scans and collecting data.

However, this process is not instantaneous. This is why for a short period of time (usually about 24 hours) the dashboards remain empty while Attaxion goes back to actively scanning assets and their vulnerabilities.