The “Issues” Tab Explained

The “Issues” tab provides an overview of all the issues discovered in the organization’s external attack surface and serves as a starting point for remediation efforts.

When you click “Issues” in the menu on the left, you see a dashboard informing you about all the issues that Attaxion has discovered in your organization’s external attack surface.


What Is There in the “Issues” Tab?

At the top, there’s a widget showing the number of issues of all 5 severity levels – info, low, medium, high, and critical. Clicking on any of these will fetch you a list of issues of the severity level that you chose.


There are a few other widgets illustrating the current state of the external attack surface – a diagram showing the distribution of issues by severity level and another for the distribution by CVSS score.


There’s also a graph showing how the number of issues of different severity changed over time. By default, this graph doesn’t show issues of low severity and info (where CVSS score is zero), but you can enable them by clicking the respective issue types in the legend under the graph.


Finally, below the dashboard, there’s a full list of unique vulnerabilities that have been discovered in the organization’s external attack surface.

For each issue, you can see its name, severity together with CVSS score, number of affected assets, when the issue was first discovered, and when it was last seen. 


You can narrow down the scope by filtering this list by name, severity, date last seen, or date first seen. To do that, press the funnel icon next to the parameter you want to use for filtering.

Clicking on a name of the vulnerability in the unique vulnerabilities list will open a list of individual vulnerabilities of that kind and the respective assets they were discovered on. 

At the very top, you can also switch between viewing all issues, open issues, or only those that have been marked as fixed, accepted risk, or false positive.


What Can You Do From the “Issues” Tab?

The main purpose of the “Issues” tab is to give a full overview of the attack surface and provide perspective into how the security team’s mitigation efforts affect the number of vulnerabilities.

From here, you can either quickly jump to the most pressing issues, or narrow down the scope by filtering the list and then open a list of individual vulnerabilities of the same kind and the assets that are affected by them.

In the list of individual issues of the same kind, you can further narrow down the scope by filtering by tags, root assets that the affected assets are associated with, and date last seen or first seen. 

By clicking on any of them, you get to the detailed information about the vulnerability, including remediation suggestions.

You can also export the resulting list of individual issues as a CSV file. To do that, press “Export as CSV” in the top right corner of the screen.