Does Attaxion Require Installation or Deployment?

Attaxion is a cloud SaaS platform that doesn’t require installation, deployment, or hosting. The only action needed to start using Attaxion is signing up and adding and verifying root assets.

Attaxion Doesn’t Require Deployment 

Attaxion is only offered as a fully hosted software-as-a-service. There is no self-hosted version of the platform, so there is no need to deploy it. 

Similarly, Attaxion doesn’t require hosting and maintenance by users.

Attaxion Doesn’t Require Installation

External attack surface management platforms rely on the outside-in approach, essentially assuming the same perspective towards the organization’s infrastructure as an attacker would have. That’s why they do not require installation and are not connected with the client organization’s infrastructure.

The only thing necessary to begin working with Attaxion is signing up and adding and verifying root assets.